I believe this year truly is going to be a year of significance.

I was introduced to a book a while back and this past month I reread it as I was reflecting on the past twelve months and looking into the new year. Now, this isn’t an infomercial that promises God’s blessing if you send in 19.95 to the number on the screen, but it does give universal laws that are applicable to everyone. These are the results of discovering what the Bible says abut increase and how to maintain order.

Some may be apprehensive because of feelings associated with the talk of prosperity. But did you know that God takes good pleasure to see success and increase in your life? Our church staff has been ruminating on that word significance, and specifically this year being one of significance.

God’s idea of success includes reproduction, increase, and multiplication. Which segues into the first of seven laws.

Below is an outline of what to expect from The 7 Laws which Govern Increase & Order.


·      The Law of the Seed

o   The seed must produce after its own kind.

o   You have to be given dominion in life.

o   You determine your own diet.

o   All things begin with the word.

o   We are creationists.

o   God’s ways are superior to ours.

o   The seed is the word.

·      The Law of Attraction

o   Be faithful in the few in order to attract more.

o   Understand God invests in proven abilities.

o   Operate now what you will be forced to operate when…

o   Faithfulness (or lack) attracts (or repels) promotion.

·      The Law of Hospitality

o   Your potential is released through hospitality.

o   Use the gifts you’ve received to serve others.

o   Release the anointing of hospitality.

o   Create an atmosphere of expectation with hospitality.

·      The Law of Reflex

o   Create systems of automatic response to needs.

o   Realize that growth causes problems, but reflex solves them.

o   Division is a process:

§  Murmuring

§  Strife

§  Evil work

§  Manipulation

§  Witchcraft-use of words or prayers against leaders

§  Rebellion

§  Division

o   Protect Your Purpose

·      The Law of Mutual Benefit

o   This law guarantees each party experiences increase.

o   Crisis can be opportunity that positions you for purpose.

o   God believes in the reward system.

o   The greatest temptation against your dream is comfort.

o   Nowhere in scripture are we told to take a leap of faith.

o   God is not hiding something from you, he’s hiding something for you.

·      The Law of Faith to Follow

o   Recruitment vs. Volunteerism

o   Faith vs. Need

o   Jesus doesn’t expect you to work on empty, he equips who he recruits.

o   Communicate in simple terms.

o   Authority flows through leadership.

·      The Law of Order

o   God is a God of order.

o   Excellence honors God.

o   Creativity flows from action.

o   We either create order or cause disorder.

o   Light is the transference of information.



Even though the book was written with the idea that these truths have been used in the arena of ministry, the 7 Laws are applicable to you. Just as the law of gravity works for everyone, the 7 Laws are universal in application.


The book ends with talking about the grace to grow. The idea of favor is broken down and turning dreams into reality. The author gives these 3 rules for walking on water:

1.     Make sure Jesus is calling you to step out.

2.     Don’t listen to those who stay in the boat.

3.     Once you’re walking on water, don’t consider the natural elements against you.


The key to accomplishing what God has equipped you to do is in having your confidence and significance base in Christ—not your own personal successes.  

You may think, “You’ve just given the entire book in outline form. Why do I need the book!?”

Oh, but contrar, I’ve barely scratched the surface.

You can find your copy of 7 Laws by Neil Kennedy here.



Neil Kennedy is the author of “Seven Laws which Govern Increase and Order.” He is also the founder of Fivestar Man, an international ministry that encourages, engages, and empowers men. He has authored numerous other books, syndicated articles, and scholarly journals, Neil and his wife, Kay, have three children, six grandchildren, and reside in Tulsa, Oklahoma. www.fivestarman.com